Game Materials
Print the list of items on a sheet of paper for each person.
Game Objective
Each person must perform the action in front of someone and then those who participated or observed must sign beside the item. Items can be arranged in a normal bingo grid or simply as a list for simplicity. Whoever gets all the items signed first, wins! Wacky and silly fun for everyone. Have a digital camera ready for some really crazy snapshots!
Some possible items are:
* Tell a Joke
* Pretend you are taking a bath or shower in the middle of the room!
* Select someone else to sing a song with you.
* Recite a nursery rhyme.
* Imitate a comic strip character until someone guesses it’s identity.
* Behave like a duck for 10 seconds
* Say something nice about three different people in the room.
* Shake hands with three other people in the room.
* Pantomime a two year old child taking a bone away from a german shepherd dog.
* Walk from one end of the room to the other with an object between you knees.
* Act like an egg being cracked and fried.
* Do an impression of a well known celebrity. Identify the person first.
* Confer with another person and make a short poem about one of the leaders
* Select a few people to aid you in selecting a scene from a popular Bible story and act it out.
* Draw a picture of yourself and give it to someone in the room.
* Find something in your pocket or purse to give to the person on your left.
* Retell the story of Goldilocks and the three bears using the name of four other people in the room as the bears and Goldilocks.
ETC. ADD Your Own Crazy Actions!

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
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