One day, a cattle farmer heard one of his cows lowing out in the field behind the barn. It sounded like she was in hard labor. He went out, and, sure enough, it was a breech birth. He tried to turn the calf around, but it was too late–the legs were already coming out. The only thing he could do was pull on the legs to assist in the birth. This field was right next to the roadside, and a red Mercedes stopped, and a man jumped out “May I assist?” The farmer replied, “Yes, please! Grab a leg and pull!”
So they both pulled, and they were able to get the calf out. The farmer, very grateful, said, “Wait a minute while I run back and get my wallet–I owe you for this.”
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t dream of accepting anything for this service. However, there is one question you can answer for me.”
“Anything!” the farmer said.
“How fast was the little one going when it ran into the big one?”
Sometimes in life we get so busy and the pace of life becomes so fast that we wonder whether we are coming or going. Slow down.. take time to enjoy the new life you have been given in Christ.

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