How high can you stack your pile of valentine candy hearts?
Game Description
In this game for a Valentine Party event, participants will try to stack a box of valentine candy hearts as high as possible. It’s not as easy as it may seem!
Game Materials
- One small box of Valentine candy hearts candy for each team. (These are the heart shaped candies with phrases like “Be Mine”, “Love”, “Kiss Me” and other Valentine’s Day phrases printed on them.)
- A timer or stopwatch
Game Preparation
- Divide the Valentine’s Day party participants into teams.
- Give each team a box of Valentine candy hearts.
Game Play – What to do
- Announce the objective – to build the tallest tower using only the Valentine’s Day candy hearts you have been given. At the end of the time, the group with the tallest standing tower will win! (30 seconds to one minute should be sufficient)
- Start the timer. Teams will rush to build their towers. But often they will get greedy and the towers will come tumbling down. Some teams may choose to stop and allow the time to run out. Others may keep going until the last minute. If a tower falls they can start over again.
- When the timer runs out, the team with the tallest standing tower is awarded the prize.
- Play as couples or as girls against guys!
- Play such that each person, in turn must add a single heart to the tower.

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.
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