Game Description
- Who’s the biggest Turkey?
Game Teaching Point / Purpose
- See the game Clothespins for Teaching Ideas
Game Materials
- At least 2 Clothespins for every participant.
- Craft feathers
Game Preparation
- With a glue gun or piece of adhesive tape, attach feathers to both legs of each clothespin.
Game Play
- Give every person two clothespins (Turkey Feathers) as they enter.
- When everyone has their turkey feathers, tell them you’re giving them two minutes to get rid of their feathers. The only way for participants to get rid of the feathers is onto pin them to someone else.
- Chaos results as everyone tries to get rid of their feathers!
- Award a prize to the person with the least number of feathers. The person with the MOST feathers is the official TURKEY!
Icebreaker Variation
- As a variation, use this as an icebreaker activity for your next Thanksgiving Party or Thanksgiving Celebration. After playing the game, each person must state one “Fun Fact” about themselves for each feather they are wearing. If they have no feathers they only have to say ONE thing about themselves.
Take It to the Next Level
While we don’t carry clothespins with us through life, we do carry our sins. Sometimes they pinch us in uncomfortable places. Sometimes we don’t even realize they are there. But the sins carries with them pain and suffering.
Jesus suffered the ultimate pain and suffering on the cross as he bore the penalty for our sin. Ultimately that penalty is death. He chose to bear the consequences for us. He did not run away from sin, but said place all your sins on me and I will carry them for you. (Let everyone take their clothespins off and stick them to a cardboard cross.) While pain and suffering still accompany sin in our lives, the penalty of death has been removed for those who will trust in Christ.
And that’s something we can all be thankful for.
Bible Scripture References
“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.”
1 Peter 2:24
“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
2 Corinthians 5:21
Closing Song
Thank You For the Cross
Mark Altrogge
Thank you for the cross, the mighty cross
That God himself should die for such as us
And everyday we’re changed
Into Your image more and more
Yes, by the cross we’ve truly been transformed
And we’re so amazed
And we give You praise
That you would save us at such a cost
And we’re so amazed
And we give You praise
For the power of the cross
For the power of the cross
Copyright 1990 Integrity’s Praise! Music
See the game Clothespins for additional Teaching Ideas

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
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