1. 3 to 5 slips of paper for each youth
2. Pencils or something for the teenage participants to write with
3. a bowl or hat
4. Envelopes that can be sealed (optional for closing)
Game Play
1. As youth arrive, each must write 3 personal New Year Resolutions or goals for the new year. Fold them in half then place them in the bowl or hat. Names may or may not be included depending on how you intend to play the game.
2. After everyone has done this, each young person must draw 3 slips of paper from the bowl.
3. One at a time the resolutions are read and the rest of the youth group tries to guess who wrote each resolution.
1. Give each youth another sheet of paper. In this variation, the youth must also write their names on the slips of paper along with their resolutions.
2. As host, pull one slip of paper out of a hat at a time and read it aloud so that everyone in the youth group can hear it.
3. Youth Group Participants must write down the name of the youth they believe wrote the resolution on their piece of paper next to the number in which they were drawn.
4. Number the slips as they are chosen.
5. The winner is the teen who correctly guessed the most authors.
1. What are your spiritual goals for the next year?
2. What areas of your life do you need to get in order?
3. What new Beginnings do you wish to create?
4. What do you believe God’s plan for your life is for the next year?
5. How will you make a difference in the life of others during the next year?
As a closing, provide envelopes and pieces of paper for each youth. Ask the youth to write their goals and resolutions on a piece of paper. Place the resolutions in the envelopes and seal them. Assure the youth that no one else will read them. Then choose a date (e.g. 6 months, at youth camp, or in one year) to return the envelopes to each youth to check their progress.

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.
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