It Makes Sense 2


Game Description
Use your senses to identify common foods and snacks.

Game Materials
Jars of Baby food, Dark Construction Paper, adhesive Tape, Disposable Spoons (1 per participant per jar), Paper, Pens

Be sure to check participants for any food allergies before doing this game.

Game Preparation

  1. Purchase 8-10 jars of baby food, each with a different flavor.
  2. Tape a piece of dark construction paper over the label of the jar so that the labels cannot be seen.
  3. Number the jars.
  4. Give each participant a piece of paper and pen and a spoon for each jar.

Game Play: Taste

  1. Each participant will do a taste test from each baby food jar. For each jar of baby food, participants should use a clean spoon. They are only allowed a single taste from each jar.
  2. Participants take a small spoonful from each jar as a sample and try to identify the food.
  3. They must record their answers on paper that has been numbered to correspond with the numbers on the jars.
  4. After everyone has tasted the food from the jars and recorded their answers, reveal each jar’s label.
  5. The participant who correctly guessing the contens of the greatest number of jars is the winner.

Game Variation

  • Taste and Touch – use small finger foods (i.e. olives, cooked (cold) spaghetti, piece of candy, cracker, barbecue potato chip, cashew nuts, breakfast cereals, croutons, grapes and other fruits, raisins, dates, dried fruits, and other small snacks) Blindfold all the participants so that they cannot see before passing around the finger foods. Answers are wispered to the leaders.

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