Game Description
This messy game has no lesson or meaning and is simply an opportunity for youth to have fun while getting a little messy with their dessert.
Game Materials
All the ingredients of an ice-cream Sundae. (A typical sundae may have ice cream, chocolate syrup, strawberry topping, candy sprinkles, banana slices, whip cream and just about anything else you want.)
Optimal Group Size
Any Number (equal number of guys/ girls works best)
Game Venue
Area for participants to lie on thier backs. If indoors, you may wish to line the floor with plastic sheets or newspaper for an easy clean-up afterward.
Game Preparation
Get all the ingredients for your Icecream Sundae.
Game Play
- Pair up each girl with a guy.
- The girls must make an ice cream sundae on the boys forehead with all the fixings
- Have several couples do this at the same time and then have judges choose the best ice cream sundae.
- If your youth are really brave provide spoons and have a follow-up race of the girls eating the Sunday they have just made.
Game Variation
- Girls must build the ice-cream Sunday in the guy’s mouth.
- They must drop the ice-cream and successive ingredients into the guys mouth from a specific height. The greater the distance from the guys mouth, the more messy the game.
- First girl to successful build a Sunday in the mouth of her partner wins.

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.
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