Game Description
Use this simulation game / structured experience to discuss the use of gifts in the church- the body of Christ.
Game Materials
- Blindfold
- Location with numerous obstacles
Game Play
- Blindfold one participant who will be guided by the other groups through an obstacle course. This should involve climbing over/under tables, walking over a bridge (a row of chairs) or any aother creative obstacles that do not endanger anyone’s life! Of course there is a small element of risk, but that adds to the simulation.
- Assign at least 7 other participants one of the seven spiritual gifts mentioned in Romans 12: 6-8: Prophecy, Service, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Leadership, Mercy.
- Give each participant time to plan how they will be involved in guiding the blindfolded person based on their gift. Then let the group meet together and discuss how they will work together to get the person safely through the obstacle course. Help them decide the role of each person based on their gifts.
- How did your actions contribute to the successful completion of your task?
- What effect would the absence of your “gift” had on the outcome of this simulation?
- What comparisons can we draw between this exercize and the use of gifts in the church- the body of Christ?
Some possible Applications
- Prophecy warns of danger if a wrong turn is taken
- Service physically guides the person
- Teaching helps provide instructions to the person guiding the blindfolded
- Exhortation provides encouragement to the group and blind-folded persons
- Leadership directs the group to get the task accomplished
- Giving provides a map or other resources
- Mercy looks potential danger and helps protect the person from a fall

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.