This classic high energy game for youth has been adapted for an Easter Party and given an added message of evangelism for the lost.
No resources are needed except for an open space large enough to accommodate your group of kids or youth and some room to run around.
Form youth into groups of three. Two of the youth must hold hands and stand apart so that there is an open space in the middle between them. Together they form an Easter Basket. The remaining participants stand in the center between the arms and is the “Easter Bunny”
Game Play
There are three options that participants must respond to in this Easter party game:
1. If Bunny Hop is called, all the “Easter Baskets” remain where they are and all the “Easter bunnies” must run and hide in another “Easter basket.” The “Easter Bunnies” may not stay in the same “Easter basket” and only one “Easter bunny” is allowed in each Basket. The last “Bunny” to find a new basket to hide in is removed from the game along with the two youth that form that “Easter Basket”.
2. If EGG HUNT is called, all the Easter Bunnies remain in their positions but the youth forming the baskets must change to new locations and form a circle by holding hands with a new partner around one of the stationary bunnies. Youth forming a basket cannot stand in the same place and they cannot connect with the same partner as before. The last two youth to position themselves holding hands to form a new basket around one of the stationary bunnies is eliminated along with the last remaining Easter Bunny.
3. If EASTER BASKET TURNOVER is called, everyone, both Easter baskets and bunnies, must change to new positions and find new partners. Youth forming Easter baskets are allowed to change roles to become bunnies and vice-versa as long as there are new groups of three. As with the other options that are called out, the last group to form is eliminated from the game
Continue the game until there is only one one group of three remaining and give them a prize.
Take it to the Next Level
Christ upset a lot of people’s lives. The gap between the established status of the high priests and the common man was removed. Christ focused on a person’s heart, not his position. Religious leaders like Nicodemus and tax collectors like Zaccheus were of equal standing. Thoughts were given the same importance as actions. Outcasts were embraced. The sick were healed.
And Christ’s arrest and crucifixion served to upset things even more. The disciples were scattered and running to new hiding places. But Christ’s death and resurrection brought about the most profound change of all. The relationship between God and man was redefined. With Christ’s death and resurrection, man was redeemed and his relationship with God was restored. We no longer had to run in fear and hide. We could embrace God as Father and see ourselves as sons and daughters. Indeed, a new beginning came to the world.
Easter reminds us of spring, of the vibrancy of life, of new beginnings. Its not about rabbits and eggs but about a Risen Savior who died for the world. It’s not about what you have in your Easter Basket, but what you have in your heart. With Christ in your heart you can have a new beginning. You don’t need to run in fear, but can be embraced in the love of God. God came not to eliminate you from the game of life, but to include you and give you a safe place to rest.
- Many of you may feel like you have been running around without purpose – God want’s to give you purpose!
- Many of you maybe hiding in fear – God wants to give you his forgiveness and hold you in his loving embrace.
- Many of you have been looking for a place where you can be safe and secure – God wants to give you rest and security in Him.
This Easter choose to give your heart to Christ. He wants to give you a new beginning and an abundant and blessed life. You don’t need to run anymore. Do it today!

Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.
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