Game Description
This Thanksgiving party game is played similar to the classic children’s game “Duck, Duck, Goose” but with some variations to make it a little more sophisticated for youth and adapt it to the Thanksgiving theme.
- Instead of “Duck”, use “cluck, cluck” and make the motion for a chicken by flapping your elbows like wings.
- Instead of “goose” make a “gobble, gobble” sound and grab the skin under the chin and pull it down reflecting the “wattle” of a Turkey (The red fold of skin that hangs beneath a turkey’s chin.)
This adds silly motions and humorous sounds to the game.
Game Materials
No materials are needed for this game. Players may either sit in chairs, stand in a circle, or sit on the ground.
Game Play
- Players sit in a circle facing inward.
- One player walks around the outside of the circle. As he or she passes each person in the circle he / she must tap them GENTLY on the head and make the motions and sounds for either the chicken or the turkey.
- When the person outside the circle makes the sounds and motion for a “Turkey”, the tapped player must leave his place in the circle and chase the person who just tapped him around the outside of the circle.
- The first person back to the empty spot just vacated gets to fill it.
- If the person doing the tapping succeeds, the the person replaced now begins the process again, walking around the circle making the sounds and motions until he or she selects another person to be the turkey.
- If the person doing the tapping fails three times, they are required to walk around inside the center of the circle – “the oven” and make turkey sounds. This adds to the confusion. (to speed up the process of elimination, you can have anyone who fails more than once to go to the center)
- You can continue the game until only 3 or four persons remain as part of the circle. Declare these the winners and give them an appropriate prize for Thanksgiving.

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
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