A gift from each participant
There are many different variations of the gift exchange at Christmas. This is merely one of them.
How gifts are exchanged:
A. Multiply the number of players by 2 or 3 depending on how large the group is and how many opportunities each person will be able to choose a gift. (Example: 10 players X 2 chances each = 20 numbers) Numbers 1 through 20 are placed in a bowl and each player takes two numbers from the bowl.
B. This determines each person’s turn to choose a gift. First #1, then #2, then #3 and so on. A player may get consecutive numbers(10, 11) or inconsecutive numbers(2, 35). All players take one turn for each number, and all players go in the order of the numbers they have picked.
C. #1 picks a present from the pile. Players choose a gift based only on the look, feel, and sound of the package. None of the gifts are opened until the game is over.
D. #2 has a choice of taking what #1 has or picking a present from the pile. Every person has to choose between taking a present from the pile or from someone else. A person can take a present from anyone that has a present, but may not take the last present from someone that has no more numbers.
E. At various times people may have several presents at the same time. That is OK. As the game continues, other people will take all of those presents away except for the last one.
F. If someone takes a present, the person who lost the present must wait until his next number comes up to get another present.
Typically, there will be lots of plotting and scheming for what people think are the best presents.
It is OK for the person that bought the present to warn a player, one time, if they think that that person really would not like the present they are taking out of the pile. Don’t tell them what it is, just warn them that they may not like it.
Wrap up? Unwrapping
None of the presents are opened until the entire game is over. Only after all of the present swapping is over, and everyone has had their turn, are any presents opened. Every player must have one present at the end of the

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