Play this like “doggie doggie where’s your bone!” Except you choose one child to be the baby bird in the middle and the child with the hidden block or toy is the mommy. The Bird points to a child and asks “Are you my Mother?” the child answers “Yes” if they have the block or “No I am a ___” and fills in the ___ with cat, dog, boat.. etc On the third guess if the child guesses incorrectly the child should respond “I am a Stork” and everyone can point to the “Mother” for them. Of course the stork brings new babies so someone else become the baby bird and the game continues.
This game can be a fun filled activity for Mother’s Day. For a nice bridge into mother’s day… say it is not really storks that bring babies, but God. And God puts them into the loving care of mothers.

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
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