Break the youth into several groups of equal number. Have each group form a line, sitting side-by-side in chairs. Have an empty chair at the front of each group. Create a list of index cards containing the actions.
The person at the front of the line comes to the leader to get the first action. The leader reveals the name of the action and the corresponding motions. The action must then be performed consecutively down the line . The last person must then run to the empty chair in the front of his line and perform the correct action for the leader. If not correct, he must go back to the end of the line and the person who initiated the action must again send the action down the line to the end. If he gets the action correct he is given a new action to ADD to the previous actions. He then takes the place at the beginning of the line and everyone shifts down a chair. He must perform all previous actions and add the new one. All actions are then performed down the line and the last man repeats the process. The first team to get through all the actions wins.
Sample Actions:
Rocking chair – rock back and forth
Knitting needles – knitting motions while sitting down
Toothbrush – motion brushing your teeth
Basketball – mime dribbling a basketball and shooting a shot
Bicycle – sitting in chair pretend you ar epedaling with your feet
Pogo stick – get out of chair and jump up and down
Hula Hoop – sway those hips like using a hulahoop
Jump rope – pretend you are jumping rope
Accordian – Side to side motions as playing an according
Escape from Prison – All stand Up – last guy must crawl through legs
Of course you can add or remove any items to control the time required for the activities. You may wish to start with the simpler actions and move to the more vigorous and humorous ones. Be sure to have a list of actions and corresponding motions to give to each youth as they come up. Also be sure to have a camera or video camera ready to record the chaos!
1. Use this game to introduce the importance of setting a good example for others to follow.
2. Use this game to discuss discipleship – following Jesus.

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.
Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!