There are many variations of tag. The key ingredient of a game of tag is the ability to touch someone. Even if you are blindfolded, you can feel a person. Blindfold one person. The blindfolded person must then roam about the room trying to touch someone else. Others in the room scatter and try to avoid being touched. If they are touched, then they must become the person with the blindfold. To assure safety, have a teachers stationed in front of any dangerous objects in the room to protect the blindfolded person. To vary the difficulty of the game, you can add variations.
1. Marco Polo – the person who is blindfolded yells out “Marco” and everyone else must respond with “Polo” The blindfolded person can then use the sound to find the others.
2. Label the four walls of the room, with colors, or another identifyer. Then call out the label. Everyone in the room must then move to make contact with that wall. The blindfolded person tries to touch someone as they go to the colored wall.
3. Blindfold all participants
When you were able to touch (tag) another person, you were aware of their presence. You might have found them by the the things they did, or the sounds they made. Sometimes we may not be able to see God, but we know he is there my the things he does and the sound of his voice. Often times, it is not Jesus himself who does things and speaks to us, but others who are doing it on His behalf. We feel the touch of God through the touch of others.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.