1. A container that can be sealed and stored away.
2. Items for the time capsule (see below)
Celebrate the previous year and create a fun activity for the next by creating a time capsule. Can be the beginning f a fun youth group tradition.
Beforehand, brainstorm with the youth the kinds of things to include in the time capsule – Stuff that means a lot to you now, and stuff you might think is funny or cool when you open this thing up again in a year!
* pictures of themselves
* a letter to themselves in a sealed envelope to be opened one year from today
* a letter from a friend to the future you
* a videotape of the youth group to themselves in the future
* a paragraph about what you want to be
* favorite scripture verse or Bible Story
* a list of favorite things
* what is cool
* slang words
* things that are in/ popular
* popular activities, movies, books, clothes
* prices of favorite things
* a timeline of key events from the past year (Ask everyone to bring newspapers, magazines to cut things from)
* photographs of family, themselves, pets, and special occasions
* allow each youth one small item each to seal away (Size will depend on what you use for your time capsule.)
* ticket stubs from your favorite movies
* a recording of your favorite songs
* a list of best friends
* pictures of your room
Have a design a time capsule contest. Ask youth to create and fill their own time capsules and bring them to the meeting. Include all these in your main time capsule. Ask youth to share with each other what they have included and why?

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.
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