Paper, pencil and blindfold for every two students.
Break into pairs for a sheep drawing contest. Give one person in the pair some paper and a pencil. This person is the artist. The other person is the shepherd. Blindfold the artists. The “shepherd” can give verbal instructions to the artist but he may not touch his body or his paper. Give the pairs several minutes to work. Provide them with additional paper if needed. After a while, switch roles.
Let everyone share their drawings. Give various prizes to the artists.
1. Best Sheep
2. Most Unusual
3. Best imitation of an animal besides a sheep
4. Best Abstract Art
In John 10:7-13: 27-30, Jesus described His relationship to us as one of a shepherd to his sheep.
In what ways are we like sheep?
*Sheep don’t consider the implications of what they do and are always getting into trouble
*Sheep are dependent on the shepherd
*Sheep live a carefree existence
*Shepherd provides for thier needs
*Shepherd rescues them when they get into trouble
*Shepherd protects them
*Sheep need to rely on shepherd for defense
*There is a relationship between sheep and the shepherd
What is difficult about being a sheep?
What is the best thing about being a sheep?
In what ways does the passage compare our relationship with Christ to that of a sheep and Shepherd?
*He wants the very best for us (9-10)
*He laid down His life for us (11, 16-17))
*He will never abandon us (12-13)
*He knows us well; He wants us to know Him well (14-15)
In the same way the artist had to follow the verbal instructions of the shepherd in the drawing competition, according to John 10:27-30, we follow Jesus by hearing His voice.
In what ways do we hear the voice of the shepherd today?
In order of authority:
#1 The Bible
#2 Christians
#3 Spiritual Authorities
#4 Circumstances

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.