1. Choose a variety of items representing the obstacles Elisha faced. You might use an empty box of cereal, a tombstone, a glass of water, an empty coin purse, a crown (you can make one from yellow paper, etc.
2. Place two tables side by side with a gap between the two tables big enough for a person’s head.
3. Cover the tables with a sheet or cloth, including the gap. Line up the items along the top two side by side tables.
4. Arrange a youth in advance to hide beneath the table with his head sticking up between the two tables. Be sure to choose someone who is a good sport and won’t get upset with what will happen later.
5. Cover each item with a cardboard box, including the youth’s head between the two tables.
1. Choose three volunteers to compete to see who can identify all the items that Elisha faced in the quickest time possible.
2. Get someone to time each participant with a stop watch. One by one lift up the boxes and have the youth identify the item under it.
3. Save the person hiding for last. Then when you reveal the person hiding that person shouts “boo!” and tries to scare the person.
4. Repeat with the second volunteer.
5. The third volunteer does the same but have a pie tin with whip creme or shaving creme to push into the person’s face who is hiding after they scare the third volunteer. Be careful of eyes. hah hah… last laugh is on you!
2 Kings 1:1-4:44
Elisha faced many obstacles in his role as a prophet. But God always took care to provide for his needs and get him through the difficulties. One of the greatest obstacles we have to serving God and standing up when there difficulties is fear. But God can always conquer our fear in the end if we will simply trust him. Sometimes we might receive a little persecution or even a pie in the face, but when we must stand up for God because that is what we have been called to do.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.