Elijah or Elisha?


Prepare a list of actions of Elijah and Elisha.

Possibilities for statements
* Fed by ravens
* Increased a widow’s supplies
* rebuked kings
* Challenged the prophets of Baal
* Didn’t die.
* Wore a mantle as a symbol of his office as a prophet
* Raised a woman’s dead son
* Parted the Jordan River
* Slain captains and men by calling down fire
* Removed poison from a stew
* Fed 100 men with 20 barley loaves

1. Have youth correctly identify which actions belong to Elijah . Elisha. As a competition you might divide the class into two teams and the first team to correctly match the prophets with the actions wins. Some actions will apply to both Elijah and Elisha.
2. Call out the statements and have youth perform an action associated with each prophet. For Elijah have them spin around in place representing the whirlwind in which he was taken to heaven. For Elisha, have them rub the top of their head with the palm of their hand, representing his baldness. (Elisha was mocked by youth for his baldness and those mocking him were slain by bears.) In instances where the statement applies to both, they must do both simultaneously.

2 Kings 1:1-4:44

Elijah mentored Elisha. God used both Elisha and Elijah to teach the Israelites.

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