Place a line across the middle of the room. Designate one side as “wrong” and the other side as “Acceptable.” As youth are told of the following situations, they must stand on the side of the room that represents their stand on the issue. After each situation, ask some of the youth on either side of the issue to give their reasons for the stand. If everyone is on one side, you might ask someone to switch and debate what someone on the other side my say?
Sample Situations
1. Listening to a “November Rain” By Guns and Roses? (The song isn’t bad, but the bands reputation is bad)
2. Having a glass of wine while on a flight to the USA? (Drinking wine isn’t sin, only drunkeness, but does it destroy your Christian witness to drink?)
3. Going to an RA rated movie? (What if, like Schindler’s list it is a documentary? Does that make the nudity and language acceptable?)
4. Listening to a song with a catchy tune but contains profanity in its lyrics? (Can you really just enjoy the beat and honestly say the lyrics have no effect?)
5. Using a supposed copy of an exam from which to study? (Is it cheating or just using what is available?)
6. Playing a role-playing game that contains cultic themes and references. (Is it just a game with no real effect on you?)
7. Playing a computer game that contains demons. (Is it just a game or could it lead to more?)
8. Attending a Charismatic Service (Because they worship differently, does that make them wrong?)
9. Attending a Catholic Church Service (Is Catholicism just going through the motions or could there be Catholics who are saved?)
10. Participating a Buddhist blessing Ceremony (Is out out of respect for parents or should we avoid idols and false religions completely?)
11. Participating in a Hungry Ghost Festival. (Is it ok for a Christian?)

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.