Central Teaching Truth
God is generous and treats us all alike
Bible Text
Story of the Workers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-15)
Obtain M&M (snack) rewards or other rewards like bookmarks etc. for everyone
What to do/ say
- Begin by asking the children if they like to play ‘Let’s pretend’. Who do they like to pretend to be? Ask children what they would like to be when they grow up?
- Do any of them ever pretend to be servants? Would they like to be servants when they grow up? Probably not!
- Announce that you are going to have a pretend game now and give out some jobs that some volunteers can pretend to do for you. Perhaps someone could pretend to clean your car. Someone else could pretend to cook your dinner. Others could make your bed, tidy your bookshelves, iron your clothes or whatever. Come prepared with a list relevant to your situation. Finally, ask the rest to pretend to hang up your coat. Then call a halt to the proceedings, and announce that it is time for the payments to be made for the work done. Everybody receives one snack.
Talk about what has taken place and ask whether the children think it is fair that everybody received the same reward. Sometimes life doesn’t seem fair…. but God is always fair. But I never told you i was going to give anyone a gift. A gave you a gift for helping me because I am a generous person. I didn’t give it to you because you were good, but because I am good. God gives us gifts, not because we are good, but because HE is good.

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