Category Archives: Devotional

A youth devotion is an opportunity to plumb the depths of a deeper spiritual life by using a story, illustration, or real life experience to illustrate a Bible principle and entice the reader to apply it in a very personal way.

Would You Like to Hold Him?

christmas_shepherds.jpgIt doesn’t say it in the Bible, but can’t you picture those dirty shepherds, smelling like sheep coming to the manger that night to adore and worship with child. Then Mary says, “Would you like to hold him?” They say, “No that is okay, we are not really cleaned up.”

To that Mary says, “You yourself said ‘He is the Savior born to you, who is Christ the Lord,’ draw him close to your heart, touch him. He has come for you.”

No wonder they returned, glorifying and praising God, for the God that was far away, came to touch them, to dwell with them. You see, shepherds at the time of Jesus were scorned as shiftless, dishonest people who grazed their flocks on others’ lands. These were the outcasts, and God came to them to tell them of his coming.

While we don’t know for certain how the shepherds looked or smelled when they came to Christ, we do know that the announcement wasn’t made to the rich and famous, but to the poor and lowly. There’s a place for everyone at the foot of Christ. Gather around the manger. Smell the hay. Don’t worry about getting cleaned up. That’s why he came. You can’t get cleaned up. Just come as you are. Come let us adore him. Christ came so that your sins, your life, might be cleaned as white as snow. Come. Let us worship him!

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Christmas Collection" ebook Christmas Collection
Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.

Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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christmas_shepherds2.jpgRead Luke 2:8-14 from your Bible

A weary day in the fields, the shepherds are watching their flocks. It is an ordinary day, probably no different than any other. The shepherds are hot, dirty, sweaty, and smelling of sheep. Many, not able to get a jobs anywhere else, had resorted to being shepherds.

But to these lowly Shepherds God sent his most magnificent angels to announce, “Christ will be born to YOU! He is to be born in a stable, clothed in rags and lying in a feed trough.” He knows what it is to be lowly. He has humbled himself so that all men might be raised to join the Heavenly Father in His Glory! He would be visited by the wealthy magi, as well as, the humble shepherds. High and low, weak and strong, rich and poor, male and female, servant and master, everyone is invited to meet the Prince of Peace.

Christ has always brought joy to the ordinary, peace to the weary, and hope to the lowly! Everyone is invited to receive his blessing. It does not matter who you are, or what kind of work you do, Christ was born to YOU!

Christ does not love us for our position, for our money, or for our connections. Christ loves us because of who He is! He loves us not because of anything we have done, but because of what he has done. He was born to die for the sins of all men that we all might have the opportunity to be saved!

Thank God for his glorious gift that brings peace and joy to every ordinary person on any ordinary day!

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Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.

Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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Little Town of Bethlehem

christmas_star.jpgRead Micah 5:2,4-5

The wisemen followed the star to Bethlehem. In Joshua 15, the cities of the land were divided among the tribes of Israel. Bethlehem, however, was too small and insignificant to be mentioned. Although it was “too little to be among the clans,” God selected it to hold the honor of being the birthplace of the Messiah.

God demonstrates his use of the weak and foolish to be the source of his mightiest works. Great things do come in small packages. Just as Bethlehem was considered insignificant, so perhaps did the people consider the infant Jesus as an unlikely candidate for the Messiah.

Yet, within the being of the gentle baby Jesus, resided the glory and majesty of the great Triune God. The Word of God, in communion with the Father and the Spirit in eternity past, did not burst forth into history with great fanfare, but amidst the sounds of common animals in their stalls.

Thus, when Satan and his minions seek to trample and invade our lives, we have only to remember that in the darkest night, there is a bright star, indeed the Morning Star, who pierces the darkness to say that “in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Christmas Collection" ebook Christmas Collection
Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.

Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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Make Room For Jesus

Edwin Markham tells a story about a cobbler who loved the Lord. One night he dreamed that Christ would come into his shop on Christmas Day. He got excited about the visit and began to make his shop presentable. He decorated the walls, swept the floor and placed a chair for the welcomed visitor. He could hardly sleep in expectation of the morning of Christmas Day. He opened up the shop early and then waited.

First, a poor beggar came in. The cobbler noticed that the poor man had shoes with holes in them, so he gave him a pair of shoes he hoped to sell to someone who needed a Christmas gift. But he felt good about helping the beggar.

Then at noon someone rang the bell. An old woman stood there barely having strength to open the door. The cobbler recognized she was hungry so he shared his lunch with her. She felt much better, thanked him and was on her way.

By this time the cobbler was wondering when Jesus would come. Before long a crying child came and stood in front of the window of the shop. The cobbler wanted to find out what was wrong and invited the little fellow in. The child was homeless, lonely and desperate. The cobbler knew he could take the child home and provide a nice Christmas evening for him. But he wanted to wait for Jesus to come. A doubtful thought crept into his mind: “Is Jesus really coming today?”

It was dark outside and the food was ready at home. So the cobbler walked home with the boy. After introducing the child to his wife, the cobbler went into his room and complained to God: “Why is it Lord that your feet delay? Have you forgotten?” Jesus answered his question: “Lift up your heart for I kept my word. Three times I came to your door, as beggar, a woman and a child. I was pleased to know you had room for me.”

We will please the Lord, when we make room for him by loving others. Make room for the Prince of Peace!

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Mighty God

christmas_hemlock1.jpgRead: Psalm 17:6-8

From the poetry of David we have a rich heritage that leads us to some of the most effective ways to worship God.
The striking truth found in the life of David and particularly in this psalm is not that David was simply a powerful or righteous man; the striking truth is that a man so powerful and so righteous needed a Savior. David cries out to God, “Show me the wonder of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.” David, a man of power and righteousness, needed a Savior. So it is with all men. For if the mighty need a Savior, how much more those of us who are only average or even weak.

While constantly being pursued by his enemies David learned a very important lesson. The issue is not the ability or the inability of a man to save himself. The issue is the enormity of the predicament that he is in. No man can hope to win a battle in which the odds are stacked against him. His only hope is in God. In such a situation it is God alone who saves.

And the same is true for each of us. The issue is not our ability or inability to save ourselves but the enormity of the predicament that we face. Thanks be to God that our predicament has been matched by one who would be called “Mighty God” and He is Jesus Christ our Savior. All men, no matter how powerful and righteous, need a Savior, and all men, no matter how weak and wicked have a Savior. Take a few moments to thank Jesus Christ, the Mighty God for what He’s done for you.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Mary’s Song

Read out loud Luke 1:46-55.

Mary certainly knew the scriptures.
By any count, in this short hymn of praise to her Lord, Mary quotes from at least eight Old Testament passages, and alludes to about a half-dozen others. In addition, Mary’s heartfelt expression reflects the attitude of several other scriptures. You might say Mary’s song is virtually saturated in scripture. Yes, Mary certainly knew the scriptures.

But who was she saying these scriptures to?
Who were you speaking to as you read these verses? It is important to reflect not only on Mary’s knowledge of scripture, but on her knowledge of the Lord. “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.” You can’t help but be struck by the impression as you read these verses that Mary was speaking directly to and personally with “the Mighty One” who had done great things for her.

A. W. Tozer warned, “Scientists have lost God amid the wonders of his world; Christians are in danger of losing God amid the wonders of His word.”

Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord, and my soul rejoices in God my Savior.”
May all our spirits soar so freely this Christmas!
Praise God, the Mighty One of Israel!

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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A Great Light

christmascandle.jpgA young man once dreamed that he held an unlit candle in his hand. Nearby, Jesus stood by peacefully with a candelbra. The young man moved forward and Jesus lit the candle with his own. As the young man moved off into the darkness, eager to share his new light, his own breath blew out the flame. The young man turned back to see Jesus standing there, still peacefully holding the light. He returned hesitantly and held out his candle a second time. Christ gently and lovingly lit the candle again. As he moved away a second time, his breath again blew out the flame. Once more he looked back, expecting some reproach, but none came. The Master gently relit the extinguished candle. Once more the young man started out. The pattern was repeated, but the young man noticed something he had missed before. Each time he had gone farther before he lost his flame. With a lighter heart he returned once more to the Source, and again started out into the darkness.

At Christmas, it’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle that it’s anything but peaceful, and the glow of Christ is easily extinguished. In the hurried moments we also forget that Christ, on a silent night, brought light into a darkened world. It is in sharing the light of Christ with others that Christmas truly shines. Take a moment away from all the hurry associated with Christmas and relight your candle by going to the Source! Let Christ shine through you and guide others to Him as His star guided the wisemen so long ago!

Matthew 2:1-12; Isaiah 9:2

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Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!
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Remembering Well

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday among all holidays. It’s special to me because it’s when I look back, reflect on the past year and give thanks. Also because it’s a time when God reminds me of my burning bush experience. Every year, I use Thanksgiving as a point in my spiritual journey to (a) re-define (b) re-align (c) rejuvenate myself in Christ.

Our memory is like a hard drive in a computer, events, experiences etc get logged into it. This year, God’s been asking me if the past year’s experiences are logged well or poorly. I don’t know about you but it’s harder to forget the bad things that happen to you. Somehow it gets replayed like a movie over and over. But God wants us to have those events that have wounded us to be logged into our memories without us feeling hurt.

The form of how it has been logged into our memory bank is important. As I sat to remember the past year to put down a thanksgiving list, He identified 3 things for me to recognize and practice so that my default system of remembering poorly will be transformed into – Remembering WELL.

Not Alone
When Christ died and rose again, He left us a helper so that we don’t need to walk on our own. ‘I will talk to the Father, and he’ll provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth. The godless world can’t take him in because it doesn’t have eyes to see him, doesn’t know what to look for. But you know him already because he has been staying with you, and will even be in you!’ John 14v16-17 (The Message)

We have the Holy Spirit! HIS ministry – to help us to remember well. Our experiences in life need to run by the Holy Spirit just like water gets filtered by a filtering system. When we do that, it gets logged into our memory bank correctly.

It doesn’t mean that we forget what has happened. It just means that we remember those events in a way that doesn’t hurt us.

Practice, Practice, Practice
Now I know why Paul says that we need to bring our thoughts into captive. ‘We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.’ 2 Corinthians 10v5 (NIV).
It’s not enough to say Holy Spirit come filter my thoughts. We have to make that pre-decision to literally bring our thoughts into captive. It’s not a one time thing, it’s something we have to do daily.

So if we don’t dwell on the things that hurt us, what do we dwell on? ‘Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.’ Philippians 4v8-9 (NIV).

When we keep practicing, we get better and better at something. After a while, it becomes part of us.

Remembering the Cross
Jesus knew we’d forget, so He instituted communion and guess what He said… yep, ‘Do this in remembrance of me.’

When we bring the events of our lives that may have caused us hurt to the cross, we’re not saying that God is going to erase our memory of that ever happening. Nope, it means that we are allowing the Holy Spirit to wash it with the blood of Christ and then log it into our memory bank. So that when we bring it to remembrance, we no longer feel the hurt.

Christ has set the example for us when He was crucified. He chose to not hate those who crucified Him, instead He forgave and loved them. We won’t be saved by grace if He didn’t.

Likewise, I pray that you will look back upon the past year and say ‘God I’m going remember the good and the bad in my life well. I’m going to surrender the bad events in my life to you so that you can wash it with your blood and return it to my memory bank for it to be lodged well. ‘

Happy Thanksgiving!
Charissa Ee

More than 150 pages of ideas for Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Years, and MORE. Great for Parties, Celebrations and family fun!
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Christ’s Banquet Table

turkey6.jpgImagine that you have been invited to Thanksgiving dinner at the home of the richest man in the world. You pull up a chair at a table two football fields long that’s piled high with so much turkey, dressing, potatoes, bread, carrot cake, pumpkin pie, mixed vegetables, milk, and anything else you can think of that the table is about to break under the load. Your host tells you to take your fill of anything you see.

Thank you very much,’ you say. ‘Might I please have half a cranberry?’

Your astonished friend nearly chokes on a candied yam and replies,
‘Please have all you would like. That’s why I invited you! You’re hungry, and here is everything you need to get full.’

‘Thank you so very much,’ you say. ‘Perhaps I will have a sip of water.’

Ridiculous, we say. Who would ever act like that? If it were us, we’d gobble up so much food they’d have to use a bulldozer to move us out.

Why is it, then, that when it comes to getting full spiritually, we settle for a half a cranberry?

Paul doesn’t want that for us, and in this passage he reminds us that in Christ we have all we need to be all that God wants us to be.

Not infrequently you’ll come across people who say either in word or deed that their lives are impoverished. Sometimes, remarkably, you’ll find a believer who for some reason is looking for something else.
He is not satisfied. She is not filled full.

Remember: The extent to which you need something else to fill you full is the extent to which you find Christ deficient. If you find Christ deficient, then you have found something in contradiction of Scripture, which says that in Christ all the fullness of Deity resides in bodily form.

We’ve got to decide, Is it true that in Christ we have all that we need?

You’ll find in the church today many people propagating all kinds of things that believers ‘need.’ Not infrequently these things that Christians ‘need’ have exceedingly tenuous connections to Christ, ‘in whom all
fullness dwells.’ As soon as someone tells you that you need this, that, and the other thing, ask yourself, Is this in any way diverting my attention from Christ? Is there any sense in which this is perverting the gospel of Christ, which tells me all fullness is in him? If I get into this
particular thing, will it in any way subvert the authority of Christ in my life?

Beware! Scripture declares that in Christ is all fullness, and if you are related to him, you have been given all fullness. We don’t need something super-added, extra-plus to Christ. What we need is to daily
discover all that we already have in him.

How much have you eaten off of Christ’s banquet table? How full are you?”

Source: Stuart Briscoe- “Secrets of Spiritual Stamina”


Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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Autumn Season of Life

leaves-red-yellow.jpgAt the root of God’s agenda is this promise. Think of it as a guarantee. The One who started ‘the good work within you’ won’t leave the task unfinished. At the end of the course, God won’t get an ‘incomplete.’ For sure, He won’t fail! Remember, it takes four seasons to make a year.

The autumn season of your life may be uncomfortable. Unemployment might be your lot. Or a broken romance. Perhaps you are grieving over a recent loss. Maybe you’re lonely. Or hungry. Or cold. You feel anxious about those ugly clouds on the horizon that indicate an ominous tomorrow. The winds of adversity are picking up and you feel afraid…

‘The roots grow deep when the winds are strong.’ If autumn, the season of reflection, has come, expect your roots to deepen. Count on it. Yet, be assured of this, the Lord God specializes in roots. He plans to deepen you and strengthen you. But He won’t overdo it. He is sovereignly and compassionately at work. We are more impressed with fruit. Not God–He’s watching over the roots. We like the product, He emphasizes the process. And painful though it may be, ‘He who… began…will keep right on…until His work…is finished.’

So we can boldly declare, ‘Come wind, come weather, welcome autumn!’

Source: Charles R. Swindoll
“Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life”

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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