Christmas is coming soon and many churches are planning Christmas activities.
- Small Groups or cell groups plan Christmas party fellowships
- Sunday School classes or Bible Study Members plan Christmas parties
- Various church groups plan activities as a Christmas Outreach
- Youth Groups plan Christmas social outings or Christmas Game nights.
Having been in youth ministry for more than 20 years, we’ve done a lot of Christmas events. We’ve done all the above activities and more.
And we’ve done them for a lot of different age groups:
- Children’s Christmas Parties
- Middle School or Junior High Christmas Parties
- High School Christmas Parties
- College and University Christmas Parties
- We’ve even done Christmas Parties for Senior Citizens
Looking for New Ideas?
After 20 years, you start to ask yourself what you can do that is new for this Christmas celebration. Obviously if you repeat something there is someone that will say, “We did that last Christmas.” It becomes a bit difficult to reinvent the wheel every year and find new object lessons to connect unchurched kids to the real meaning of Christmas and also to satisfy those that have been hearing the same Christmas Stories and playing the same Christmas games since they were in diapers. I used to spend hours searching from website to website trying to trying to find useful Christmas party ideas.
That was difficult on me, but now it makes it easy for you. I’ve taken all those years of effort and placed the very best ideas, games, activities, lessons, devotions, illustrations, jokes, children’s sermons and even worksheets and put them together into a comprehensive collection that will last you another 20 years as well.
Download it Immediately
And I put it into a downloadable ebook format so that it is easy to scan through the 200+ ideas (that take up more than 350 pages) and find the Christmas Idea that is perfect for your event or activity. They are labeled by locations, energy levels, and resources needed. Many ideas have variations so you can change up the activity if you have used it before. Most also have notes for leaders to help them create some talking points to break the ice, ask probing questions to get a little deeper, and help the youth to not only learn but to apply the lessons learned in their day to day lives.
You can buy your own copy of the Creative Youth Ideas Christmas Collection online right here and download it immediately for less than $25.
You’ll love the ebook format for this Christmas resource:
- It’s Searchable (do that with a real book).
- Takes up no space on your crowded book shelf. Imagine a 337 page brick taking up space to use it 1 month a year.
- Has No shipping costs – download instantly. Try that with Amazon.
- You can print the game I want, not bend the spine of a physical book to make a copy for my leaders. In fact I allow you to share copies with your leaders.
The ideas are clearly aimed at the youth market, but most of these games would be good ice breakers and discussion starters for children and adults and everyone in between.
- There are low energy ideas that are gentle enough to use among adults as icebreakers to help develop relationships and get the ball going on helping people think about where they want to grow spiritually.
- Perhaps you are hosting a Christmas party for your neighbors. Several of these games would fit the bill and provide with a way to help bring forth a Christmas conversation that shares Christ.
There’s a complete table of contents you can take a peek at as well as sample ideas at www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com
Why not take a look today at December’s Book of the Month.

Creative Youth Ideas Christmas Collection
Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.
Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!
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