Mother’s Day is around the corner and Creative Youth Ideas has lots of ideas for your special mother’s day activity or event.
There are ideas for a Children’s Sermon on Mothers Day and illustrations and stories for a sermon to mothers or youth talk. There are also some great Mother’s Day games and other ideas for that Special Mother’s Day event.
Mother’s Day Games and activities for youth
- Are You My Mother? – This game can be a fun filled activity for Mother’s Day
- Baby Animals – In this Mother’s Day game idea, Children or Youth will look at mothers in the animal kingdom as an illustration of the caring relationships between mother and child.
- Famous Biblical Mothers – Use these youth games as icebreakers which revolve around famous Biblical mothers
- Guess the Mother? or Child? – Use this activity as an icebreaker for your youth or children’s Mother’s Day event.
- Mother Child Trivia – This Mother’s Day Game idea for youth makes a great activity to encourage mother-child communication, especially among teens.
- Mother of Who? – Play a game of charades using the names of Biblical Mothers.
- Mother Says – Use these games on Mother’s Day for a Mother’s Day children’s sermon.
- Mother’s Day Games – Use these three games for a Mother’s Day youth Activity.
- Sayings of Mothers – This Mother’s Day teaching activity can be a Children’s sermon or a reminder that mothers look after us just as the Heavenly Father does.
- Sock Guess – This game for Mother’s Day reminds children and youth of the numerous roles that mothers play in our lives
Mother’s Day Stories and Sermon Illustrations for Youth
- A Mother’s Creed – This creed for Mother’s illustrates the sacrificial love that mothers have for their children.
- A mother’s Sacrificial Love – A mother’s love is sacrificial.
- America’s Greatest Source of Strength – Mothers are America’s greatest source of strength and inspiration.
- Angel – A mother is an angel of God to a child.
- Augustine’s Mother – God hears a mother’s prayers
- Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul – No mountain is too high for a mother to climb for her child!
- Children Learn What They Live – With a child, more is caught from their parents than is formally taught.
- God’s Embroidery – Lessons on life from a Mother’s Embroidery
- Godly Mothers – A godly mother is a rich blessing to her children.
- George Washington’s Mother – All that I am I owe to my mother – George Washington
- Honoring Mother – Discussion questions and practical steps for youth and children to honor their mother.
- How teens can give their parents a heart attack – Learn how a youth can build the relationships with their parents!
- How To Pray For Your Children – We need to pray for our children just as Jesus intercedes for us!
- Love: 1 Corinthians 13 for Mothers – A Paraphrased version of 1 Corinthians 13 for Mothers
- Love in the Home – A mother’s love transforms a house into a home
- Mother’s Influence – A mother’s life and love remind us of God’s love!
- Mother’s Translation – A godly mother changes lives and is a living example of God’s Word to children and youth!
- Outstreched Arms – Mother’s, just like Jesus, know exactly what is needed to save the lives of their children.
- Rescue the Perishing – The story behind the Hymn: “Rescue the Perishing” by Fanny Crosby
- Scars of Love – Never judge another person’s scars, because you don’t know how they were made.
- The Greatest Preacher – Who’s the greatest preacher in your family?
- The Price of Children – What are the cost and returns on being a parent?
- Thomas Edison’s Mother – A mother’s love can bring out the best in any child!
- True Courage – Sometimes being a month takes a lot of courage.
Mother’s Day Humor
- A Mother’s Rest – Every mother needs a little peace!
- A Mother’s Stress – How is it that mothers can do so much?
- Definition of a Mother? – What is a child’s definition of a mother?
- Job Description for Mothers – This humorous job description for mothers reminds us of their great sacrifices and dedication.
- Mother’s Day Gifts – A humorous look at the struggles of buying something special for mom or your wife on Mother’s day!
- Mother’s White Hair – Is Motherhood stressful?
- Poem for Moms and Dads – Humorous look at raising kids
- Quotes From Famous Mothers – What famous mothers might say…
- Really a Mom – Mom’s do things differently… how do you recognize a mom? Try these!
- Ten Signs of a Frustrated Mother – Humorous look at motherhood
- Top 10 Sayings of Biblical Mothers – If Biblical mothers were to speak today!
For Icebreakers and games for any occasion check out….
Icebreakers Ahead: Take it to the next Level”
not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities, but also includes lesson ideas and questions to smoothly transition into discussions about issues common to most groups.

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.
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