The great Houdini was a master magician and a great locksmith. He once bragged that there wasn’t a jail cell in the world he couldn’t escape from, provided he could go into the cell dressed in his street clothes and work in complete privacy.
A small town in England had built a new jail, which they believed was escape-proof, so they invited Houdini to come and try to break out. Houdini accepted the challenge. They put him in the cell and closed the door. He was left alone.
He took off his belt and took from it a tough, flexible steel rod. He went to work on the lock. Listening for the tell-tale click that indicated the latch had been released and his freedom was assured. He worked longer than it had ever taken him before and he still couldn’t get the lock open! It seemed all the little tumblers were in place, but the bolt into the door frame didn’t budge a bit. As time passed, he was becoming exhausted. He was stumped!
Finally, after two solid hours of work, Houdini collapsed from exhaustion. He leaned against the door handle to the cell, and when he did the door swung open! It had been unlocked all the time.
Houdini worked so hard to gain his freedom yet all his efforts were useless because he was already free. I wonder how many of us as Christians fail to realize the freedom we have in Christ. How many of us fail to take advantage of it and live the abundant life Jesus promised?

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.