Identifying Feelings


For a unique perspective on a Biblical story, provide this list of emotions to the youth and have them choose what the various Bible personalities might be feeling at different points in the story.

Positive Feelings
Affectionate, Alive, Amused, Accepted, Beautiful, Brave, Calm, Capable, Caring, Cheerful, Cherished, Comfortable, Competent, Concerned, Confident, Content, Courageous, Curious, Delighted, Desirable, Eager, Excited, Forgiving, Friendly, Fulfilled, Generous, Glad, Good, Grateful, Great, Happy, Hopeful, Humorous, Joyful, Lovable, Loved, Loving, Loyal, Passionate, Peaceful, Playful, Pleased, Proud, Quiet, Relaxed, Relieved, Respected, Safe, Satisfied, Secure, Self-reliant, Sexy, Silly, Special, Strong, Supportive, Sympathetic, Tender, Thankful, Thrilled, Trusted, Understanding, Understood, Unique, Valuable, Warm, Witty, Wonderful, Worthwhile, Youthful

Negative Feelings
Afraid, Angry, Anxious, Apprehensive, Ashamed, Awkward, Bitter, Bored, Confused, Contemptuous, Defeated, Dejected, Dependent, Depressed, Despairing, Desperate, Devastated, Disappointed, Discouraged, Disgusted, Distrustful, Embarrassed, Exasperated, Fearful, Foolish, Frantic, Frustrated, Furious, Guilty, Hateful, Helpless, Hopeless, Horrified, Hostile, Humiliated, Hurt, Ignored, Impatient, Inadequate, Incompetent, Indecisive, Inferior, Inhibited, Insecure, Irritated, Isolated, Jealous, Lonely, Melancholy, Miserable, Misunderstood, Muddled, Needy, Old, Outraged, Overwhelmed, Panicky, Pessimistic, Phony, Preoccupied, Prejudiced, Pressured, Provoked, Regretful, Rejected, Remorseful, Resentful, Sad, Self-conscious, Shy, Sorry, Stubborn, Stupid, Terrified, Threatened, Tired, Touchy, Trapped, Troubled, Unappreciated, Unattractive, Uncertain, Uncomfortable, Uneasy, Unfulfilled, Used, Useless, Uptight, Victimized, Violated, Vulnerable, Weary, Wishy-washy, Worn-out, Worried

Other uses for this list of emotions

  • Youth sometimes find it difficult to identify the feelings they are having. Use this list of positive and negative feelings to help youth identify their feelings about a circumstance or situation.
  • Randomly select emotions from the list for a game of charades or pictionary.
  • Attach an emotion to the back of each youth. Using only yes/ no questions they must discover the emotion on their back.
  • Attach an emotion to the back of each youth. Without speaking they must discover the emotion on their back.
  • As a crowdbreaker, randomly assign youth emotions from the list so that there are two youth for each emotion. Then, using only facial expressions they must find their partner who has the same emotion.
  • As a crowdbreaker to divide the youth into groups have one emotion for each group. Randomly assign youth one of the emotions as they arrive. Using only facial expressions they must group themselves according to the emotions.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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